
Why Dental Surgery In Thailand Is A Growing Trend

It’s a terrible idea to simply neglect your dental health yet a shocking number of people are guilty of just that. If you go long periods of time between dentist visits, you’re not going to like the news you receive once you pluck up the courage to sit in the dreaded chair. For example, you may end up requiring a whole host of fillings due to acid damage and cavities and this can be a costly procedure if you do it at home.

Additionally, procedures such as root canal work and crowns are also time consuming and expensive. Therefore, your best course of action is to be sensible and visit your dentist a couple of times a year for routine check-ups.

What If There Is A Major Problem?
Even those who are diligent when it comes to oral health can be hit with serious looking dental problems. Obviously, you can rely on a qualified dentist to sort out the issue but at what cost? In Western countries, patients may have private health care but due to the out-of-pocket costs their policies include, the cost of dental work in nations such as the United States, United Kingdom and Australia is prohibitive to say the least.

Our research showed that you could be paying as much as $6,000 for a dental work which includes multiple fillings, root canal work and a replacement crown. For most individuals, this is simply too much but the alternative is constant pain and teeth that are rapidly deteriorating.

Yet even a cursory look at dental work in Thailand reveals a phenomenal difference in terms of price. It is entirely possible to book a 2-3 week vacation in Bangkok with accommodation for $3,000 or thereabouts. By the way, this includes the full cost of the dental treatment! Therefore, you get high quality dental work done and a holiday thrown into the mix for half the price of what you would pay for the dental work alone at home!

What About The Quality?
Those in the know are well aware of Thailand’s burgeoning reputation as one of the world leaders in various forms of medical treatment. It is one of the globe’s favoured locations for cosmetic surgery and dental work. As well as the low cost, the standard of care is equivalent to, and in some cases, better than what you receive at home.

We have read a wide variety of case studies which suggested that Thai dentists were actually MORE knowledgeable than their Western counterparts. For example, we know of Australian dentists who recommended crowns on all of a patient’s upper teeth while the same patient went to a dentist in Thailand who advised against the procedure and replaced the broken crown with an ultra durable material. It turns out the Thai dentist was 100% correct in his diagnosis.

Obviously, you should look for high quality dentists such as PMDC Dental Clinic in Bangkok because you want clinics with great reputations. We believe you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of care you receive in Thailand when it comes to your dental health.