
Meditation Mindfulness training: How it affects you.

Meditation Mindfulness training is a simple practice that allows you to focus your attention with the aim of increasing self-awareness. It involves paying close attention to your thoughts, emotions, and sensations at the present moment. The most common techniques of meditating are concentration meditation and mindfulness meditation.

Similar to other exercises, meditation has a significant impact on both your brain and wellbeing. 

The Effects of Meditation training

Improved Focus

As mentioned above, the main objective of meditating is focusing your attention such that you notice when your thoughts wander.  In the long run, it improves your focus even when you are not meditating.  

Reduced Anxiety

According to psychologists, frequent mediation loosens the connections of neural pathways within the brain. This, in turn, reduces your anxiety levels. 

Typically, the brain triggers a sense of being under attack when you experience a scary situation. Meditation is known to weaken the neural connection that triggers such sensations. Thus, when you experience pain or fear, you will assess it rationally rather than get scared.

Better Memory

Mindfulness meditation also improves your memory. If you practice mindfulness meditation, your brain increases its ability to ignore distractions. This translates into a better memory as well as increased productivity.

Stress Relief

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin discovered that mediation has physiological effects on your brain. For example, continuous mediation reduces the part of the brain that causes stress. Even if you encounter a stressful situation, this practice helps you in keeping cool.

More Gray Matter 

Another impact of mindfulness meditation training is increased gray matter in the frontal lobe and hippocampus of your brain. Having more gray matter improves your mood, emotional intelligence and improve your ability to focus on daily activities. Furthermore, mediation reduces the adverse effects of aging on the gray matter. This enables your brain to maintain its cognitive functioning abilities even in old age.

Better Sleep

Lastly, meditation can contribute to curing insomnia. If you struggle with falling asleep after getting to bed, you should probably try out this practice. Meditation is known to trigger a relaxation response which enables you to sleep. This is the reason why some people fall into slumber immediately they start meditating.

If you are looking for Mindfulness Meditation training please visit The Mindfulness Academy of Asia (MAA) is a new subsidiary school of The American School of Bangkok, specializing in the teaching and learning of mindfulness in education.